What measures can we take to repair iPhone 6 no display failure?

We received an iPhone 6. The problem is that the iPhone 6 does not display when it is fully charged. Have you ever encountered this situation? What can we do to repair it? Please watch the following steps.

First check whether the iPhone display socket has water damaged or virtual welding problem, after removing these problems, measure the resistance value of the socket by digital multimeter.

After measurement, we found the display socket 12 pin doesn't have resistance value. Check if the connected c2001 capacitance and fl2034 inductance have corrosion and virtual solder problems, the fl2034 inductance measured are no resistance value.

The fl2034 inductance passes through the U2403 6 pin tube and then to the CPU. Using a digital multimeter to measure the iPhone touch screen control IC U2403 of the corresponding bottom pins, the data tested are normal. So, we can eliminate the CPU problem. In this case, we need to solder jump wire. As shown in picture.

Use QUICK 861DW hot air rework station to remove the cover, and then solder a jumper wire from the 6th pin of u2403 to a measuring point next to the screw hole,and then solidify it with green UV oil.

Install the iPhone and test it, the failure has been solved.

You can get more mobile phone repair solutions on www.vipfixphone.com.



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