Do you know how to repair the iPhone 6 black screen?

I believe that most users have encountered a sudden black screen when using the iPhone6. Our customers are the same. The iPhone 6 can be turned on, but the screen is black and not lit. His iPhone 6 can talk normally and can also be connected to the Ace Assistant.

According to his description, mobile phones can be turned on, connect to computers and make phone calls.Based on our experience, there may be problems on the iPhone 6 display or backlight.

Disassemble the phone and connect adjustable DC power supply, it is found electricity leakage, there is no back light after turning on, but with the light we can see the apple Logo.

Remove the iPhone main board, we found there are water corrosion marks. Observe under a Trinocular Stereo Microscope, as shown in picture.

Pry out the corroded components, remove the backlight chip, two stage tube, backlight boost inductor, and connect the adjustable power supply, it is without leakage this time. welding back the backlight chip, boost diode and boost inductor.

Reassemble the screen and turn the iPhone 6 on to have a test, it is found that there was no display. Under the microscope, the seat on the screen had been corroded, as shown in picture , cleaning the corrosion pin parts and re-welding it well.

Install the cell phone to test, backlight restores to normal now, repair ends up here!

Summary: This fault is caused by water damage on the main board and no backlight caused by burnout of the backlight circuit.

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