How To Repair iPhone 6P Front Camera and Distance Sensor Fault

Recently, some users have reported on the Internet that the iPhone6P front camera cannot be used normally. and the distance sensor has problem too. How to repair it? Please see the article below.

The two failures are concentrated on the front camera flex cable, which is likely to be caused by the damage of the wiring. First, we have to eliminate the possibility of the external parts fault, then consider the motherboard problem.

After removing the screen components and replacing the screen components, we still can't open the front camera and use the distance sensor.

Disassemble to measure the ground resistance of the front camera seat of J1111 by Fluke digital multimeter, it is found that several pins are infinitely large, and the related inductors are loose when touch with the pen. It seems that the small components are pseudo welded. As shown in picture.

Remove the motherboard and observe it under the Trinocular Stereo Microscope, we can see that the touch was repaired before.As shown in picture.

The back of the sub touch chip U2402 is the front camera seat J1111, and the small components next to the seat are all black glue. If the temperature of the chip is not mastered, it is likely to blow the small components on the back. After removing the black glue next to the J1111 seat by the QUICK 861DW hot air gun, the large area of spot welding and loose components were found.

Next, connect the corresponding inductor and the resistance of the short circuit by checking WUXINJI schematic diagram. As shown in picture.

Install to test it, the distance sensor function returnes to normal, and the front camera returned to normal too.

If you have any good idea about this problem, please contact us on



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